Saturday, October 23, 2010

Good Times

Friday night Jeff, Alex, and Palmer Lamb came over for dinner and fun.  The boys were so cute.  As you can see below they were very aware of each other! This was the first time they really interacted.  By interacting I mean hitting, kicking, and rolling over on one another :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Growing Boy!

Brody will be six months old tomorrow. Oh how time flies. I feel sad in a way but it's also very rewarding watching him learn and grow everyday. He can almost sit up all by himself and his two bottom teeth broke through last week. Brody has tried peas, sweet potatoes, and squash and loves them all. As you can see he doesn't pass up food.

Chillin' in my white tee!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Big D


Auntie Britt
Granny and Grandad Koontz (so bummed it's dark).
Sweet potatoes for the first time. Brody doesn't pass up a meal.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Favorite Recent Pictures!

"Zoey, Im gonna drive you crazy one day!"

"You could have at least turned me toward the TV mom."
Brody and Baby Easton Loepp...not even a day old!

A lovely fall afternoon at Utica!
My little man!
Alright, this picture cracks me up. Brody had just graced us with his worst blow out ever and he starts giving me grins as I'm frantically trying to clean him up. Oh by the way, I was at my mom's house and it took three people to clean up the nastiness.
Auntie Brittney

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Sleepy Boy!

Monday morning after Brody had his breakfast I put him in his jumper in the living room. Paul was getting ready for the day in the bathroom and I had walked in our bedroom to ask him a question. As I came back into the living room and rounded the corner I looked up and saw Brody resting his head on the pad of the seat. Panicked, I hurried over to him and yelled "Brody, Brody!" To his agitation he looked up at me as if to say, seriously mom, why are you being so annoying and did you have to wake me up so abruptly? I apparently woke him up from his peaceful nap in the jumper. Funny thing is he fell asleep in it again while we were playing later that afternoon. What a silly boy!